- Body length 60 - 190 µm
- three-lobed scales with axial keel
- spine with secondary tip (but can sometimes be absent or double)
- all scales spiny, spines elongate from front to back
For the subgenus Hystricochaetonotus are the relatively large, non-overlapping scales with a long spine. This subgenus owes its name to this spiny appearance (hystix = porcupine).
*Typical Chaetonotus (Hystricochaetonotus) - here C. (H. ) persetosus
The scales are in typical arrangement. Their shape is trilobate with a central keel, at the end of which arises a long spine - usually with a secondary tip:
typical three-lobed scales in Hystricochaetonotus - here
C. (H. ) persetosus
46 Species:
Chaetonotus (H. ) paraguayensis
Chaetonotus (H. ) paucisetosus
Chaetonotus (H. ) persetosus
75 µm - 100 µmDorsal scales: 9 Reihen mit je 15-17 dreilappigen, gekielten Schuppen (7-8µm) mit Stacheln mit Nebenspitze; davon 5 Reihen mit Großstacheln (15 - 19 µm) am Mittelrumpf (insgesamt 15 - 17 Stück + 2 laterale Paare) Afterregion stachellose Kielschuppen
Ventral scales: Wimpernbänder vorne vereinigt; vZwf. 2 gekielte Terminalplatten mit kurzem, dünnem Stachel; sechseckige glatte Plättchen